MIRUS Linear Stapler | Mechancial Staplers | Meril Endosurgery

MIRUS Linear Stapler

MIRUS - The Symbol of Excellence which ensures superior surgical outcomes. MirusTM linear stapler and reloads are available in lengths 30mm, 45mm, 60mm & 90mm with two different staple heights to accommodate varied tissue thicknesses.

It offers the best in class "B" shape staple formation with two staggered rows which ensure superior hemostasis.

Dependable: Parallel jaw closure
Easy to Use: One-hand Operation (Close, Fire, Release)
Versatile: Two diverse reload options


Provides optimum access without deflection
Ergonomic single hand operation design for ease of use
Consistent staple formation and superior hemostasis


Application in gastrointestinal, thoracic, and pediatric surgery to facilitate transection and resection of internal tissues

Visit our website to learn more about the product.
